Saturday, January 18, 2014

EDM 175 - A Basket and Its Contents

I can still remember where I was when I fell in love with baskets. I was in high school, and we were on a family vacation in New England. The baskets for sale at Faneuil Hall Marketplace were irresistible. I spent all my vacation spending money buying as many as I could afford. They weren't high quality or expensive, but I loved them. I still have some of the smaller ones 30+ years later. Now I own a few Longaberger baskets, and the higher quality is remarkable. They are made to last for generations. When sketching and painting a basket, you are forced to study its construction. I love figuring out how things are put together, so this was a fun painting.

I knew I wanted to ink stamp the berries in this piece, but couldn't find anything small enough to make them the proper scale. The rounded end of a large filbert brush turned out to be the perfect solution. In a larger painting, I would have used the rubber eraser of a new pencil.
EDM 175 - A Basket; 3x3" watercolor

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